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  1. nex

    Freeroam #1 Update

    The update information is available here: https://blog.rsm.gg/community-update-june-2023/
  2. nex

    Freeroam #1 Update

    This is a short-and-sweet update filled with bug fixes and quality of life improvements. Added improvements and fixes to anti-cheat (by @nex) Added the ability to re-apply a personal handling editor preset after pressing a key (by @StOneR) Adjusted the way that cheating bans are displayed - they now display through notifications in the top-right rather than chat (by @nex) Fixed a bug with overhead player names where nicknames weren't being properly applied (by @nex) Fixed an issue where passive mode was being forcefully enabled if you were killed in a vehicle (by @nex) Fixed an exploit where you could play a scenario from vMenu while in a vehicle (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with player street races (Racing Options in vMenu) where the "party members only" option wasn't being enforced (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with rewardable vehicles where players couldn't spawn them despite unlocking them through one unlock path or another (by @nex) Fixed a bug where rewardable vehicles were showing up more than once in vMenu (by @nex) Fixed a visual bug in vMenu where locked vehicles were being shown as unlocked after the spawner cooldown expires (by @StOneR) Removed some teleport locations that no longer exist (by @StOneR)
  3. This update is the first one of 2023 and features new additions, bug fixes, exploit fixes and a lot more! Added a new and refactored version of the chat tags system (by @nex) Your selected chat tag will now persist between sessions. You can now be rewarded with chat tags by completing server challenges and acquiring certain levels. Browsing chat tags have been improved through the usage of pages. Setting your chat tag has been made more user friendly, as rememberable keywords can be used instead of the old alternating numbers. This new system will give us plenty of flexibility down the road for future implementations regarding chat tags. Added a new and refactored version of the rewards system (by @nex) Rewards now integrate with the chat tags and XP systems. We can now easily re-balance rewards while keeping it fair for all players. We can also add, remove, and edit reward thresholds without the need of a server restart/update. Added monthly statistics for drift score (by @nex) We discussed this in our members lounge regarding what should be done for the new statistics. It was decided that we should have statistics for the current month, and have rewards be based on them. You can now be given rewards for achieving a high amount of drift score per month. Added a feature called "Autolobby" for supporters to use (by @nex) This will automatically put you into the same lobby that you were in before you last disconnected from the server. This feature is enabled automatically and cannot be turned off (for now), and is only available for supporters. Adjusted the XP rewards of the stunt and street race minigames (by @nex) The XP rewards between the two minigames now have the following identical rewards: 1st Place: 7,500 XP 2nd Place: 5,000 XP 3rd Place: 3,500 XP Everyone else: 750 XP Fixed a flaw that caused drift score to be partially dependant on your FPS (by @nex) Players were complaining that we intentionally made drift score dependant on your FPS. This is not the case. All scripts on all servers run on a per-frame basis, and it's a common thing across all games. Our solution was to always reward the same amount of score while drifting as if your FPS was locked to 90 FPS. This change ensures that all players will gain the same amount of score (excluding other factors such as speed and angle) regardless of the FPS they have. Fixed a user experience issue where a black screen would occur after selecting your vehicle in a stunt race minigame until other players were ready (by @StOneR) This led players to believe that the minigame was bugged, when it wasn't and was just waiting for other players to ready-up. Added back the ability to ragdoll with helpful notifications (by @nex) Added party player counts to each party card in the server hub UI (by @nex) Added the toreador to the vehicle cooldown list (by @nex) Added a new flag to most scripts to use the new native invocation system which should improve client and server performance (by @nex) Added several missing characters to the automod system to block invalid names (by @nex) Added a disclaimer to the loading screen for automatic voice chat monitoring and reporting (by @nex) Added new backend tech that allows us to instantly change the balancing of various progression systems (by @nex) Added cross-server notifications for bans and mutes issued by our staff team (by @nex) Added XP rewards for PvP minigame activities, such as Gun Game and Deathmatch (by @StOneR) Adjusted the thresholds for the machine-learning automod system to be more accurate on detections (by @nex) Adjusted the behaviour of emojis to require them to be placed within semi-colons to show in chat (by @nex) Adjusted the ban reasons for those given to cheaters to "Cheating" rather than the often confusing "ICM" (by @nex) Adjusted the warning message showed in vMenu for vehicle multipliers (by @nex) Fixed a bug where an error would occur in multiple places related to punishments (by @nex) Fixed a rare bug with minigames that had the potential to crash the server (by @StOneR) Fixed two bugs resulting in false positives with cheat detection that resulted in players being wrongfully banned (by @nex) Fixed an issue where times were being displayed incorrectly in the chat and disconnection messages for bans and mutes (by @nex) Fixed a bug where the loading screen for spawning a vehicle wouldn't close when a spawn had failed (by @nex) Fixed a bug where community-banned players could use party commands, potentially bypassing the isolated lobby (by @nex) Fixed a server bug that would result in errors related to entity creation (by @nex) Fixed an exploit where cheaters could bypass the servers' built-in entity lockdown security feature to spawn locked vehicles (by @nex) Fixed an exploit where players could fix their personal vehicle in vMenu if it was destroyed (by @StOneR) Fixed an exploit where players could skip the process of stopping and exiting out of their vehicle to engage in combat by using the /dv command (by @nex) Fixed an exploit where players could skip certain tasks and animations by using emotes, with the potential of cancelling fall damage if used correctly (by @nex) Fixed an exploit where players could kill other players between the time they respawn and the time where passive is applied (by @nex) Fixed a bug where lag spikes would happen due to NPCs/traffic getting toggled too frequently by the server watchdog (by @nex) Fixed a bug where admin names were not being displayed in the correct colour for kick messages in chat (by @nex) Fixed inconsistencies with chat messages from using lobby commands (by @nex) Fixed a bug where timed-out players would not be properly removed from minigame races (by @StOneR) Fixed an issue with chat emojis where they would not load due to external server outages (by @nex) Removed the ability to freeze your ped in vMenu as it was abused by players to shoot weapons from the sky (by @StOneR) Removed a server dependency that slowed down a lot of critical functions, increasing server load overtime (by @nex) Content Changes New vehicle additions by @Sparky the Asian: There will be an upcoming content update soon where fixes will be pushed for multiple issues related to client performance. We expect players with lower-end GPU's (with <= 8GB of VRAM) will benefit the most from these fixes, but performance will overall improve for all players. We're also working with Cfx.re to further improve performance when it comes to loading content. Happy belated new year guys, and thank you for being patient as usual while we ironed-out the bugs associated with the new features and advancements Good luck and have fun out there!
  4. nex

    Freeroam #1 Update

    The early Christmas update is here! This one brings new features, bug fixes, improvements to performance and more! Added a new type of ban, called "Community Ban" (by @nex & @StOneR) All existing bans (except for those given to cheaters) will fall under this new "community ban" classification. Community-banned players will still be able to connect to the server, but will be placed into lobbies with other community-banned players. They will also be unable to send text chat messages, report other players and participate in Minigames. This is still in 'beta' and we will be adjusting things accordingly depending on feedback and metrics. Notes: Think of this as our very own 'bad sport' lobby - it's pretty similar in regards to its goals. Our staff team do have the power to change community bans into server bans, which will prevent you from connecting - abusing this system will result in exactly that. Server unbans purchased through the store will still lift community bans, putting you back into the normal lobbies with everyone else. We decided to implement this as we believe that most banned players should still be able to experience the server, just isolated from all the players that do follow the rules. The end goal is to prevent rule-breakers from ruining the experience of others, and this new system will still achieve that goal with great effectiveness. Added machine-learning toxicity filters to the automatic moderation system for text chat (by @nex) All messages that are deemed to have a high chance of being toxic will be rejected. No bans, mutes, or warnings will be given by this system as it is somewhat prone to false positives. We will be tweaking this system as time goes on, so please report any false positives via Discord tickets, thank you! Adjusted handling editor limits as per player demand (by @nex) fInitialDragCoeff can now be set to a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 350. fSteeringLock can now be set to a maximum of 90. fDownforceModifier can now be set to a minimum of 0. Reworked the logic behind party leader waypoints to get around the issue of them disappearing on leader proximity (by @zee) Players were often frustrated by the game's logic, so we've worked around it with logic of our own. The waypoint will now stay where it's placed until the leader uses the /clearwp command. Removed the legacy parties UI and in favour of the new implementation within the server hub (by @nex) The new UI is easier to navigate, displays more information, and provides more settings for party leaders to play around with. User friendliness was the main focus for this change, and we hope you can appreciate it! Added a live-updating countdown to the "No Cfx.re account linked" message upon joining (by @nex) Added improvements to performance and anti-cheat (by @nex) Added a new keybind for F4 which will open the settings page of the server hub (by @nex) Fixed a bug where automatic bans and kicks (as a result of someone being warned) would not be announced to chat (by @nex) Fixed multiple potential memory leaks that could have contributed to the 'lag' seen after the server has been online for a while (by @nex) Fixed a bug where the servers' player count would not be displayed on the Discord profile status (by @nex) We do have some new custom content lined-up for a future update sometime this month, so we will be publishing another update post for that when it's out! Christmas Discord Events We'll be hosting movie nights on every day of the week leading up to Christmas day, and we invite everyone to come and watch with us! More information will be on our Discord server - just make sure to go to #pick-your-roles to get access to the #events channel Good luck and have fun everyone, and merry Christmas!
  5. nex

    Freeroam #1 Update

    This is a small but powerful update that we'd like to publish for transparency, as there are many things that have changed over the last month related to these changes. Added logic to prevent the abuse of animal player models without passive mode (by @StOneR) Added many improvements to performance, anti-cheat and server metrics, soon to make their way to rsm.gg (by @nex) Added over 500+ new emojis to in-game chat for all supporters, based on the top list from BetterTTV (by @nex) Fixed several bugs related to vehicle names and handlings (by @Sparky the Asian & @StOneR) To make up for the small update, a content update will be being released soon when our content curators get back from their busy lives Despite the list being small, a lot of work has gone into these changes behind the scenes (some taking literal weeks to iron-out the imperfections) and we hope you appreciate it! Other Changes There have also been a handful of improvements elsewhere, including the upgrade to CDN 3.0 which greatly accelerates in-game content downloads for all players in all regions, as well as the move to a new provider in order to resolve the constant connection issues we've been seeing over the last couple months. Our previous provider has become too unstable for us to continue using, and we hope that you, our players, can continue gaming on a stable server once again! We'd like to apologise for these connection issues - it has been frustrating for us just as much as it has been for you. We have been looking at viable solutions over the last month, and have finally settled on one that we have faith in If you have any further connection issues, be sure to open a support topic on our Discord so we can discuss and fix them for you and the other players with similar experiences. We are always looking to improve, so please give us the chance to do so Good luck out there
  6. This update brings many quality of life features, bug fixes, and groundwork for features that will come in future releases - as well as content! First of all though, we've always tried to be as transparent as possible, and so we'd like to talk about why this update has taken so long to come out. This is due to two (out of the three) of our developers having full-time jobs now that take up a lot of the time that we had otherwise spent working on the project. Nevertheless, we are still working on it and don't have any plans to stop development anytime soon, but you will need to be more patient as this will mean that future updates (just like this one) will take longer to roll out the door. Lastly, we appreciate all of you that support us, both financially and in other meaningful ways. This has been an incredible experience for us and it truly is amazing that we have gotten to spend (and continue spending) our time learning new areas of tech in order to provide (and continue providing) the best freeroam sandbox experience you have encountered on the platform. Even though some of the changes listed below seem like simple and easy things, a lot of thought, time and effort goes into them and a lot of backend and mental preparation is needed to ensure that we nail things on the head first-try, so please keep that in mind before making your judgement - if you have a problem with a change here, we encourage you to use our feedback site to make "petitions" for making further changes and adding new features that you and other members of our community want! Now onto the update itself! Added tracking of in-game player pings, which will be added to a new "Diagnostics" page of the server hub in a future update (by @nex) We're making note of it here so that the technical lot of you have something interesting to think about and look forward to while we implement a display for this in-game. For now, this data will be used for identifying connection issues that don't necessarily result in players being dropped from the server. Added internal tools for tracking entity counts, helping us identify and fix current and future server performance issues (by @nex) We're also making note of this because we want you to know that we're actively working towards improving performance. Added even more internal tools to aid with moderation, identifying potential cheaters and toxic players (by @nex) We won't go into much detail here, but we now have a system for automatically flagging extreme toxicity events in voice chat. Only the voice chat activity that contain keywords (such as the infamous N-word) are flagged, saved, and brought to our attention - via speech recognition. This helps us fill the gap in moderation that our staff team are unable to fill, and helps us keep the server even cleaner than it was up until this point. For some statistics on how useful this is to us: during the past week that we have been testing this, we have banned over 50 players for intentional and malicious racism and homophobia that we otherwise wouldn't have been able to catch. Added a new UI element for displaying your current progression, also known as the "XP bar" - this is shown upon gaining XP (by @nex) You now have a visual indicator of how you're progressing on our servers! Inspiration was obviously taken from the XP bar from GTA:Online, but we consider it to be a more simple version of it. As usual, we will be improving this down the road, but we finally got the first version of it done Added logic to dynamically position the notifications in the top-right corner of the screen depending on what UI elements beneath them are active (by @nex) Wasn't it annoying when notifications appeared above vMenu whilst you were using it? This is no longer an issue (on 16:9 aspect ratios, at least) as notifications will now be dynamically moved around the screen to fit their surroundings. Added the ability to kick individual players out of your personal vehicle within vMenu (by @StOneR) This was a long-time requested feature that is now here! You can use this feature by going to the "Vehicle Passengers" submenu within the personal vehicle menu. Added a "Favourites" submenu to the Saved Vehicles menu of vMenu - that's a lot of menus! (by @StOneR) You can switch between your most-spawned saved vehicles and vehicles that you've manually set as favourite. We thought this would be a cool quality of life feature to add, and people reacted positively to the feedback post for it, so here we are Added more functionality to player names and moved some things around in order to make them easier to understand (by @nex) 1. Colours applied to player names will now only represent staff/supporter status: Any other 'special player state' colour that was used will now be displayed on the health bar instead. 2. Colour-coding has been added to the tablet icon that represents a player that is using an interface/menu: The way it used to work before this change was that the icon would only display if you had vMenu open. I personally dislike not using the full potential of things, and I figured this would be a cool QoL addition to player names. The icon now displays for the Handling Editor, vStancer, the Server Hub, and the emotes menu - the colours are as follows: White: vMenu (as usual, no change there) Blue: Handling Editor Greenish-Blue: vStancer Purple: Server Hub Yellow: Emotes Adjusted the look and feel of the notifications in the top-right of the screen to be smaller and less of an eye sore (by @nex) We basically just gave them a full makeover, they look much better now and take up less screen space to convey the same information. They are also much more lightweight now which helps with performance, and they also fit the rest of the server UI, so that's another point for consistency in our books! Adjusted the look and feel of the drift score UI to display more information in a new modern UI, as well as to improve compatibility with the new XP bar (by @nex) This will take some time getting used to for most of you, and you will likely hate it at first but give it some time and you will end up loving it. If after a month you still don't like it, open a post here about it and we'll look into other designs. Fixed a bug that caused players to get banned while piloting flying vehicles that had weapons (by @nex) Massive thanks to the loyal and patient members of you that helped us get to the bottom of this! All players that were affected by this have had their bans reversed and removed from their profiles. Added a teleport delay to vMenu when passive mode is disabled in order to help mitigate cases of abuse (by @StOneR) Added logic to block the use of animal player models in PvP, as they were often abused (by @StOneR) Added functionality to stunt race minigames that makes landing on motorcycles easier (by @logan.) Adjusted the amount of XP given for drifting in order to bring balance for other activities that gain you XP (by @nex) Adjusted the bonus drift score multiplier that changes depending on the number of nearby players to be 25% lower for balancing reasons (by @nex) Adjusted the behaviour of dormant player blips (blips of players that aren't nearby to you) to go back to only being displayed on the big map (by @nex) Adjusted the limits of vStancer to allow for higher camber values (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with many UI elements where they were not exactly centred on the screen (by @nex) Fixed multiple bugs with the respawn and revive system by refactoring most of it, including the bug where you'd spawn under the map (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with the handling editor where some values that were disabled by the lobby could have been applied and changed again (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug where disabled or disallowed ped models were still able to be used (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with the sorting logic of the vehicle spawner within vMenu (by @StOneR) Fixed an issue where weapon options were able to be used within vMenu despite being in passive mode (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with parties that caused an error after joining the server (by @nex) Fixed a bug with the Gun Game leaderboards that resulted in players being sorted the wrong way (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with media players where screens were not being properly removed after a player disconnects (by @StOneR) Fixed multiple bugs with the Gun Game minigame related to final kills (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with vMenu where an error could be thrown (by @StOneR) Fixed an exploit where you could immediately respawn/revive yourself by using the chat commands instead of pressing the keys (by @nex) Fixed a bug where the landing gear of planes couldn't be toggled if you were in passive mode (by @nex) Fixed multiple bugs where PvP-related features could be used even if you were in passive mode (by @nex) Fixed a logic bug where abusive (small) peds could still be used if you were crouching (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug where vehicle spawner categories in vMenu would break if a model within them was unable to be loaded (by @StOneR) Fixed an internal bug where multiple warnings and mutes could be given to a player by two or more staff members (by @nex) Sometimes... our staff members like to participate in a nice little race of 'who can punish the rule breaker the fastest'... That was a joke, obviously... but this usually happens when someone goes to punish a rule breaker without knowing that someone is already on it, resulting in two punishments taking place. Content Changes New vehicle additions by @Sparky the Asian: New female clothing additions by @Yonji & @SleepyMia: New male clothing additions by @Yonji & @SleepyMia: New weapon additions by @Yonji: New weapon changes by @Yonji: New ped model additions by @Yonji: As always, we hope you enjoy the update with all the new features and improvements it brings! We have a dedicated feedback site where you can suggest or vote on new ideas, content and features here (click the link!). We have other things on the way and in the works too, with the launch of next-gen hardware right around the corner, we plan to leverage it to provide a smoother experience for everyone playing on our servers. We've been a leading community over the past 3 years, being the first server on the platform to achieve 700 concurrent players in early 2020, and have always had ambitious plans to break new records with the latest hardware and optimisation techniques as they come along! Thanks once again for being with us on this journey, and have fun out there with all the new stuff this update!
  7. For anyone else reading this; if you were banned from the Discord then you can consider your only way (and chance) to appeal an in-game ban completely revoked. And no, opening threads like this one and spamming our private messages won't get it lifted either. You were banned for misbehaving and/or breaking the rules, and now you get to deal with the consequences of such.
  8. This update brings many quality of life changes and improvements, as well as new features and content! Added new and reworked game logic for Turbo and the Anti-Lag System (by @nex) You are now able to tune your Turbo for real performance benefit, including spool rates and limits. For Anti-Lag, we have added new and realistic sounds for it, as well as the ability to disable sound and visual effects. You can configure the settings for these features through Vehicle Options in vMenu With this change, the Anti-Lag System is now available to all players, not just supporters! Added a feature for maintaining wheel power while sliding, called "Inverse Power" (by @nex) This feature helps to counteract the game's default behaviour of reducing power while sliding. It helps you drift and slide more consistently, improving the overall handling of the vehicle. You can switch between different power profiles from within the settings page of the server hub (F1). This feature is NOT compatible with the engine and torque multipliers in vMenu - we cannot and will not fix this. Added a new feature to car meet parties that automatically kicks inattentive players (by @nex) Players that are too far away from the meet for too long will be auto-kicked from the party to make space for others. This is a passive feature that also takes into account the players that are moving towards the meet location, and those who are near the meet leader, so there's no need to rush! This feature is automatically enabled upon switching the party mode to "car meet". Added a page for joining and managing parties to the server hub with support for player avatars (by @nex) This new UI within the hub will be replacing the legacy parties UI soon. Each party member will have their avatar displayed right from within the UI, making it more pleasing to the eye(s). You are able to configure the party settings as a leader, including the party mode, title and description which are all displayed in the listings page. Party modes have descriptions now too, which makes it easier for leaders to pick a mode that best suits their activity! Added limitations to balance the use of the handling editor in PvP scenarios (by @StOneR) Certain properties of the handling editor are either disabled or clamped within a specific value range. This was done to counter the abuse that players were using it for, such as making vehicles super strong and/or fast. We've worked with community members over the course of a few weeks to find a good sweet spot for this change, so we can still keep the sandbox-y feel to the server that we all know and love. If you have any issues with this, comment your suggestions here and we will try to suit your needs. Improved the look and feel of the server hub, new update prompt, the chat and the watermark (by @nex) We've changed the styling behind all four of these user interfaces and visual elements. The server hub has been tweaked for a cleaner experience while navigating through it. The update prompt has received a makeover with colours matching the rest of the UI on the server. The chat is about the same size, but looks more modern with rounding on messages and better styling for the input. The watermark is smaller and more compact, thus taking-up less space on your screen. Got any suggestions regarding these changes? Submit them here! Added mitigations for server crashes related to Mono (by @StOneR) Added backend support for dynamically loading map blips based on the content that's available on the server (by @nex) Added improvements to the ban evasion system, as well as several major improvements to the anti-cheat (by @nex) Added a simple and scenic camera transition that appears after joining and during the onboarding process (by @nex) Added better error handling to vMenu for missing fonts (by @StOneR) Added grouping to the settings page of the server hub for improved organisation (by @nex) Added mitigations that disable and clamp specific properties within the handling editor that players used to gain an advantage over others (by @nex) Added a button to vMenu that allows you to add all custom weapons to your loadout (by @StOneR) Adjusted the maximum amount of drift score that can be gained in a single drift chain to 1.5b (by @nex) Adjusted the look and feel of the changelog prompts to better fit the rest of the servers' UI (by @nex) Adjusted the onboarding process to wait until the changelogs prompt has been closed before continuing (by @nex) Adjusted the required levels for apartments in order to bring more balance to the system (by @nex) Adjusted the amount of XP rewarded for each PvP kill to 150 XP from just 50 XP (by @nex) Fixed a bug where the progression alerts for levels and XP gains were not appearing (by @nex) Fixed a bug that caused the changelog prompt to pop-up after switching to another RSM server, even if you've already seen it (by @nex) Fixed a bug where vehicle passengers could shoot and take damage while the driver was in passive mode (by @nex) Fixed a backend bug that caused the connection to external services to fail and not reconnect, thus causing issues for chat and other in-game features (by @nex) Fixed a backend bug that caused server playtime stats to be inflated by a small amount due to inaccuracy and rounding (by @nex) Fixed a bug where the zone leaderboards would display incorrectly due to user firewalls blocking important code that was imported from external sources (by @nex) Fixed a bug that was present in many interfaces that would often result in some performance loss (by @nex) Fixed an exploit where players could repair destroyed vehicles using the personal vehicles feature of vMenu (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with parties where inviting a player would not update the state of the party, resulting in temporary desync of party state (by @nex) Fixed an exploit where players could repair vehicles by toggling vehicle extras in vMenu (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug that caused the server to hang when the leader of a large party with many members tried to switch lobbies (by @nex) Fixed a bug with vMenu where vehicle spawn failures weren't being caught, resulting in the attempt appearing to "timeout" (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug where if you joined a minigame while your vehicle is frozen, it would still be frozen after getting into the minigame (by @StOneR) Fixed an exploit where players could repair their vehicle while dead using the /fix command (by @StOneR) Removed the playboy mansion interior due to an issue with b2575 causing trees to appear low quality near the golf club in Rockford (by @nex) Removed the theme park near Paleto Bay for performance concerns (by @nex) Content Changes New vehicle additions by @Sparky the Asian: Vehicles removed for either performance, quality or duplicate concerns: Important notes about the removed vehicles (please read!): New female clothing additions by @Yonji & @SleepyMia: New male clothing additions by @Yonji & @SleepyMia: New weapon additions by @Yonji:
  9. So your suspected reason for getting banned is because a bot sent a link? I don't see how that makes sense. You pay to financially support the server and get some perks and benefits in return. Those perks and benefits do not include being treated any differently to other players, as we treat everyone as fairly and un-biased as possible which is already more than what other communities on the platform do and has to say. Supporters are not exempt from automatic moderation on Discord either. Probably because you were banned, yes. A quick reminder that the link filter on Discord is in place to thwart scam links from being posted, and we are still building a list of legitimate links that people may post (and you can suggest more through feedback.rsm.gg - just remember to select 'Discord' as the type) - so as a general warning, be very cautious about the links that you're sending on the Discord server, and if you feel like it's harmless then open a ticket and ask about it before you send it. As Yonji said, all link-related bans are three days long, and are usually not lifted after the first innocent offense or two.
  10. Here's a follow-up patch for yesterday's update: Fixed a bug where incoming and outgoing friend requests were not listed in the /friend list command (by @nex) Fixed a server crash issue related to Mono and C# (by @StOneR) We've also submitted information to Cfx.re to hopefully improve error handling and prevent full server crashes/hangs from happening. There is one remaining crash that we are still investigating, and it seems to be caused by a FiveM server update and has become far more common since we migrated server #1 to New York with updated server binaries. We've also submitted information to Cfx.re about this and we're waiting for a resolution.
  11. This update brings plenty of new content, bug fixes, exploit patches, features and much much more to the table! Added the ability to add other players as a friend (by @nex) Friends persist between sessions and can be removed by either player. If a friend joins the server that you are in, a notification will show in chat when they start loading in. Use the /friend command to see a list of sub-commands that you can use for listing/adding/removing. Added support for automatically disabling population (NPC's and traffic) past a certain lobby or server player count (by @nex) This is another form of server optimisation, which will most likely save time in processing thousands of NPC's across the map. This isn't expected to have much of an impact, as past the player count configured, the number of NPC's would be replaced by legitimate players anyway. This also helps to mitigate the very important issue where your game will crash if more than 128 peds (including NPC's and players) are known to your client. Added the ability to mute other players' voice chat via vMenu and as a command (by @nex & @StOneR) This works exactly as you'd expect, and is client-sided (only for you). It has the added functionality of the other player being unable to hear you if you have them muted, and vice versa. Use the "sourcemod"-inspired command /selfmute (or /sm for short) to get started. You can also use the player option in vMenu for it. The command expects a raw player server ID (as seen in the chat and displayed in their overhead name) as an argument. A red speaker icon will appear next to a players' name if either you or the other player has muted the other. Added a cooldown to toggling passive mode (by @nex) This was very often abused in PvP to 'pop' in and out of passive mode for easy kills. The current cooldown is set to 15 seconds which should be long enough to prevent efficient use of passive popping. Added a server hub setting for toggling the game's built-in idle camera (by @nex) A lot of people requested this, and it is pretty annoying when your camera is zooming on some random object every 30 seconds. You can also use the /toggleidlecamera command. Added restrictions to the Handling Editor and vehicle multipliers to only permit the usage of them when in passive mode (by @StOneR) These were abused by players in PvP for vehicles with make-shift godmode as well as 'super speed'. You should now expect more 'normal' and fair PvP experiences in the main lobby thanks to this change. Added a mitigation for players abusing small ped models in PvP (by @StOneR) Again, this is an abuse-related change aimed at balancing PvP and making it more fair. Models that are considered 'small' or abusive trigger an automatic reset to your player model when used in combat. Added balancing tweaks to a variety of weapons (by @Yonji) This is a balancing change to make certain weapons more fairer to fight with and against in PvP. Added back the functionality of blocking horns and sirens in meet zones (by @nex) This was unintentionally removed when we rewrote the zone system and forgot to re-implement it. Additionally, this works much better than its predecessor in actually preventing horns and sirens from being heard by other players. Added the ability to teleport into special GTA:Online vehicle interiors (by @logan.) This is a very rough implementation for the moment while we work out how to add dynamic markers to these vehicles. Use the 'Other Locations' section of vMenu's teleports to access these interiors. Added back the clothing wheel that was widely used before RSM v3 was released (by @nex) This was a much-requested feature that is now in the game once again. You can change and toggle your clothes (and pieces of your outfit) on the fly by pressing Y. This keybind will be moved to the new keybind system soon, so you will be able to map it to another key or controller button combination. Added blip information for zones around the map (by @nex & @glitchdetector) Selecting or hovering over a zone blip on the map (only drift and meet zones for now) will show a panel in the top-left. This is useful for seeing some properties of any given zone, such as whether population is enabled or not. An asterisk is shown next to the "Zone Type" property name that indicates that a zone has its own instance. Added the ability to use vehicle indicators via arrow keys (by @nex) You can either tap a key to have it on a toggle, or hold a key for longer than half a second for it to disable after you let go. These indicators are synced to nearby players, and the keys can be re-bound in the Key Bindings area of the game settings menu. Added and enabled chameleon paint jobs for all players (by @logan.) You no longer need a client-sided mod pack for chameleon paint jobs. If you do have a client-sided mod pack, you should remove it now to prevent conflict. Added media player USB's and the ability to hide/show radio stations on the radio wheel (by @StOneR & @logan.) The media player in this context is unrelated to RSM's Media Player - this is strictly for the GTA:Online media player functionality in the radio wheel. A couple of small but nice features to have Added balancing tweaks to a variety of weapons (by @Yonji) Added a proper ending screen for the deathmatch and gun game minigames (by @StOneR) Added more vehicles to the vehicle spawner cooldown list in order to prevent abuse (by @nex) Added a configurable setting to the server hub for disabling the game's idle camera (by @nex) Added the ability to delete other media players via the media player UI (by @StOneR) Added more anti-cheat measures, as well as general improvements and bug fixes (by @nex & @logan.) Added the interior of 'Bahama Mamas' as a teleport option in vMenu (by @logan.) Added the updated radio tracks for 'Radio Los Santos' and 'West Coast Classics' (by @logan.) Fixed a bug with addon weapons in the Gun Game minigame, which is now enabled again as a result (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug where passive mode was not getting initialized once the player connects, resulting in unexpected behaviour (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug where clicking the toggle button on a settings option in the server hub would result in the option being toggled back to its original state (by @nex) Fixed a rare server crash caused by weird mono error handling and the minigames code (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with deleting media players where the owner could not be found, resulting in command failure (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug where players that were using vMenu's ped customisation features would appear to be using godmode (by @StOneR) Fixed an exploited bug where passive mode wasn't forced for the entire duration that a player was using noclip for (by @nex) Fixed a bug with supporter rainbow names that prevented it from being synced with other players (by @nex) Fixed another exploited bug where you could stop yourself from being tasered via the emote menu (by @nex) Fixed a server-sided performance issue where temporary data would continuously build-up and persist between server restarts (by @nex) Refactored a lot of backend code to improve reliability and to prevent odd bugs from leaking through (by @nex) Removed the blip for Redline Performance as it was removed for performance concerns (by @nex) Content Changes New vehicle additions by @Sparky the Asian: New female clothing by @Yonji & @SleepyMia: New male clothing by @Yonji & @SleepyMia: New tattoo additions by @Yonji: New weapon additions by @Yonji: New addon ped model additions by @Yonji: Some vehicles and clothing items will be added after the next restart.
  12. This update brings new features, much-needed fixes, some love and attention to weapon balancing, and a lot more! Added the new server tuners meet event (by @logan.) This is our official "car meet" feature where players can enter at the new blip on the map. Upon entering, you are given a free 'spot' that you can manually change by walking into the marker. Vehicles are frozen in place and cannot be driven while inside of the car meet, providing extra security. Added several UI improvements to the server hub (by @nex) The settings page now has a new look, and we think that it's easier on the eyes than before Among the design improvements, we've also added additional sorting to the settings page now, preventing dropdowns from appearing outside of the window. Added a new setting to the server hub for supporters to change their nickname (by @nex) The /nickname command can now be easily managed through the new hub, making it overall easier to change. The nickname feature is available to all supporters. Added blocking logic to small ped models during PvP (by @StOneR) Small player models were often abused in PvP to gain an advantage over others, primarily because the hitboxes are smaller. Your player model will now be reset if it's deemed small and you're not in passive mode. Adjusted the media player to allow it to be placed anywhere, not just within Zones (by @StOneR) Yes, you can now use the media player anywhere you'd like The media player can be accessed by Ultimate Supporters using the /createmediaplayer command. Adjusted the logic of ranged player blips to also display on the small radar in the bottom-left of the screen (by @nex) Before now, ranged player blips were not shown on the radar in order to reduce the confusion when they don't update quickly. We may revert this, but we'll see how it's recognised by the majority of players first. Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in the "Retrieving store packages" connection phase after a server restart/crash (by @nex) This was a very large annoyance that we have now solved by implementing queue logic. It may take longer to connect now, but you should no longer get "stuck" - if you're in the queue, a message will be displayed. Added additional anti-cheat measures against various features that have been exploited over the past month or two (by @nex) Adjusted some messages related to punishments to be more clearer and better-formatted (by @nex) Adjusted the auto moderation filter for names to include characters that could display differently in-game (by @nex) Fixed a bug where stunt race and jump rewards were not being given (by @nex) Fixed several critical server-sided bugs, resulting in hard-crashes and timeouts (by @StOneR) Fixed a parsing error resulting in drift score and other reward features from functioning properly (by @nex) Fixed a bug with the media player UI and pressing the ESC key to close the prompt (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with vMenu that prevented players from saving your vehicle, even if you enabled it in the spawn settings (by @StOneR) Fixed a bug with the emote menu that caused it to play the emote that was under your selection, rather than the one that was selected (by @nex) Fixed a bug with the notifications that appear above the radar after loading in, causing them to show a pixelated "IMG" icon instead of the intended one (by @logan.) Fixed a bug where a player could become stuck at the end of a stunt race, requiring them to reconnect to the server (by @logan.) Fixed a bug that caused all input to be blocked upon clicking outside of the update popup instead of its buttons (by @nex) Content Changes New vehicle additions by @Sparky the Asian: Vehicle fixes by @Sparky the Asian: New engine audio additions by @StOneR: New clothing additions by @Sparky the Asian & @Yonji: New addon ped changes by @Yonji: New weapon additions by @Yonji: Other notes: We hope you enjoy this massive update that we've brought to you, as well as the wait being worth it! If you have any bug reports, feature/content suggestions, or have any balancing concerns - use our new feedback platform by clicking here. Good luck and have fun
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