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How to enable the streaming progress indicator in-game (SSD only)

Firstly, on your FiveM main menu, click "Settings", otherwise known as the "FiveM cogwheel" shown below: Then, try to find and enable "Streaming progress" there, shown here: With that enabled (and whenever you are in-game) you should now be able to see the progress of downloads (custom vehicles, peds, maps, etc) in the bottom right of your screen. This is useful for those who ask questions related to streaming (e.g "why are cars not spawning?") so you can find out if your in


xDis4ster in FiveM Settings

About Laggy Chat/Lobby/Server Hub

Ever wondered why it takes years (exaggeratingly) to input a single character in chat or even scroll down/up just by a bit? And also, why do notifications take so long to pop up yet so long to disappear? Well, here is a "fix": On your FiveM main menu, click "Settings", otherwise known as the "FiveM cogwheel" shown below: Then, try to find the setting "NUI in-process GPU" and enable it. Also shown below:   Here is the shortest version of why: Things start to get shakey wh


xDis4ster in FiveM Settings

Failed to connect (or handshake) to server

This error comes in a few different forms, and this is important as they can all mean different problems! Select a spoiler that correlates to the form of error that you are experiencing below.       Could not resolve host - CURL error code 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)          Failed to connect to nexxed-xxxxxx.users.cfx.re port 443: Timed out - CURL error code 28           Failed to


nex in Connection Problems

No CitizenFX ticket was specified.

This is an obvious indication that FiveM/Cfx.re is having issues with their client authentication service. Live status for the client authentication service can be found here, among other essential services that FiveM/Cfx.re operates, should they have issues too.   Q: Can you fix this issue? A: We can't solve this as we're not the developers of FiveM/Cfx.re - it's simply not our responsibility.   Q: How can I fix this? A: You can't. No one can solve this error


nex in Connection Problems

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