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Club Staff Applications.


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If you would like to:
*Become an event DJ

*Become an Official Photographer/Videographer 

*Become a Club Moderator

*Become a Club Co-Leader

Submit what you would like to be and your qualifications for such role. 

Edited by V3N0MR4C3R
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What i would like to be: Photographer
My qualifications: none (?
i don't have any study about photography or something like that. I've been taking pictures from cars/videogames since a few years ago, trying to find the artistic point of view, and how a picture or even a song could be good, i think i've improved those skills a bit through the years. I'll leave a few examples of the cars i made in assetto, hope you like them 🤗




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alright. Fakumi, you an be an official photographer for events. we do not have a way to give you a role or title officially in this forum, but you will be recognized as one though. thanks for your interest in wanting to help.

Edited by V3N0MR4C3R
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