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Remove tanks and the barc speeder from pvp

Malone Y Ceirw

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the barc speeder and tanks are annoying , noone likes them , they promote brain dead gameplay , pvp is meant to be fun , not whoever has a tank or barc wins .

The reason most people pvp on RSM instead of OG gta5 if because of the opressorMK2 , its brain dead and with the angry bird explosive its basically a slightly weaker MK2 .

I understand the server has a 15 min cooldown on tanks , but what i've seen is people will just get a different tank , removing the cooldown .


And how would you fix it , Malone ?

I hear someone saying, I would fix this issue by removing the barc speeder , forever . 

And for tanks , I would say add a cooldown for all tanks .


but hey , maybe theres a small group of people who enjoy getting spawn trapped by a tank and/or barc speeder .


devs , its up to you .

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