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Guides, tutorials and general help for in-game features and interfaces.

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Hosting and joining car meet events using Parties

With the great feature of the Party System, and the fantastic tutorial about it, How to Create Join and Manage Parties, you can organise and join car meets greater and easier than ever before. Here is how: You can create a party by typing /party create. And you can join other parties by typing  /party join "#<number>". There is not a lot you could do without making/joining one 😛. With that out of the way, you need to know how the Leader Waypoint (click the bold words to learn more


xDis4ster in Parties

How to create, join and manage Parties

In this tutorial, we'll be going over what parties are, and how/when you can use them with a general overview of their features and potential.   What are parties and what are they used for? Parties are a way to bring any group of players together, essentially marking them as a teammate. They can be used to organize a group of players, similar to how party systems work in other games, and are perfect for car meets, tandems and PvP teams in any lobby.   When and where ca


Skitz in Parties

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